Chapter 1: The calm before the storm...

Welcome to my first blog entry, I´m your host Esteban Gil, in this chapter I will introduce myself and some other insights about my feelings towards this course.

First let´s get rid of the (academical) elephant off the room; my expectations from the Programming Languages Course. I would like to learn, understand, and feel comfortable around functional and logical programming paradigms. I coded on LISP this summer, but few questions remained on the top of my head, so I expect my questions to be answered. I haven´t taken a class fully in English for years, so that will be interesting. Also, it´s my first class with Ariel, so I have great expectations of this class.

Ariel showing us both pills; We could take the red pill and go with Ivan telling him we would not take the course, or take the blue pill, and see how far the rabbit hole goes.

And now my hobbies and personal interests, as well as books, music, movies and programs I have enjoyed. I consider myself an avid gamer, specially in Super Smash Bros Melee (SSBM for short). Currently sponsored by SHFFL, I´m ranked in the top 25 players in Mexico City, but I still have a lot to learn.

Because I don´t have a lot of free time, I don´t see movies, read books or see TV programs that often. However, the last series I watched was Rick and Morty (My type of humor). Finally, you can call me Steve, Esteban, or whatever comes first in your mind.


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